Monday, September 21, 2015

Grand Tetons Day 1

The Grand Tetons are so amazing.  The road through the National Park is really nice with lots of turnouts with views of the mountains at every angle.  We started our trip at the north side of the park at Colter Bay.  Our first day started with a breakfast cruise on Jackson Lake-it was sunny but a only 40ish degrees-we were both wearing a lot of layers!!  The boat took us out to Elk Island for breakfast-it was about a 45 minute trip.  This was our view at breakfast-it was amazing!! 
The main entreé was trout and grits.  For some reason the smell of fish at breakfast was not very appetizing so I had pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage.  They also had cowboy coffee which was very good-I am becoming a big fan of cowboy coffee on this trip.
After the cruise we decided to go on a hike to Swan Lake and Heron Lake.  It was a nice hike with the Tetons towering in the background.  We were hoping to see some bears but no luck!!
Swan Lake
Heron Pond
Jackson Lake
After a beautiful hike we decided to take some wine and snacks and go check out Jackson Lake Lodge.  Wow that place has one of the best views I have ever seen-so good that we accidently drank the entire bottle of Chardonnay!! 
After walking around the lodge grounds and thru the lobby we headed back to camp.  It was another great day.

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